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If you have already completed your Final Forms for the 2024-2025 school year please disregard the following message. Thank you for completing the forms.

Final Forms for our District has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Please go into your student(s) Final Forms and confirm that the information that you submitted last year is still accurate and up-to-date. Once you have confirmed that the information is correct or made changes, please

sign the “Parent/Guardian Signature” at the bottom of each form. If you are filling out Final Forms for the first time, please see the instructions posted on our website (

) under Parent Resources/Final Forms Information. Final Forms for Fall Athletes should have been completed by the mandatory fall sports meeting in July. Please check ALL sports that your student may be interested to participate in for the school year.


Final Forms for everyone will need to be completed by both parents and students by August 12 in order for you to receive your schedule/chrome book at Open House on August 13.